Welcome to Aachen – M.Sc. Periodontology 2022

Last week, we were finally able to welcome our new group of Master's students of the M.Sc. Periodontology 2022 for the first time. For four days we learned, treated and discussed together – but of course we also had coffee breaks and dinner.

Highly qualified specialists in the field of periodontology

The postgraduate master's program is offered in cooperation with the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University and the Clinic for Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry of RWTH Aachen University Hospital.

Our blended learning concept optimally combines digital teaching and learning with short attendance blocks to provide participants with the right balance of flexible learning units and practical training. Thus, this study program enables dentists to become highly qualified specialists in the field of periodontology.

We are very happy to welcome a new group of motivated Master students in Aachen and are looking forward to our next meeting in February 2023!

Louisa Goldstein | Study Course Manager – RWTH International Academy