Visit to Mitsubishi Electric Europe: Insights into the world of AI and smart manufacturing

On Tuesday, the participants of our Summer School "Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications" visited Mitsubishi Electric Europe in Ratingen. We were honored to have Division Manager Stefan Knauf introduce our students to the fascinating world of Mitsubishi Electric and share insights into the Japanese philosophy that underpins Mitsubishi's work.

During our visit, Thomas Lantermann also explained the concepts of Smart Manufacturing Kaizen Level and Mitsubishi Artificial Intelligence State of the Art Technology. He presented various examples of AI applications in industry and their potential, which was of particular interest to our students.

Another highlight was Jonas Roski's demonstration of how AI can be used to automatically create analysis models in MAILAB.

At the end of the visit, the participants had the opportunity to explore the exhibition "The World of Mitsubishi Electric", expertly presented by Julius Thiel, which offered a comprehensive overview of Mitsubishi Electric Europe.

Our sincere thanks go to everyone involved in making this day possible, with special recognition to Jörg Springsguth for initiating the cooperation between Mitsubishi Electric Europe and RWTH International Academy and for organizing this highly educational visit. We look forward to working together in the years to come!