Manager Training Programme – “Fit for Partnership with Germany”: Egypt and Germany as partner countries

Farewell to Aachen: A successful attendance phase comes to an end.

On August 18, the exciting attendance phase of the Manager Training Programme came to a successful conclusion in Aachen. An important milestone for the participating experts and managers, who have gained valuable insights and knowledge over the past weeks.

In this article, you can find out what is behind the programme, which topics were covered and get some impressions from one of our partner countries this year, Egypt.

Hands-on Programme for Professionals and Managers

On behalf of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), RWTH International Academy implements the Manager Training Programme "Fit for Partnership with Germany" initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

As part of the programme, experienced experts and managers from SMEs in various sectors in one of the partner countries receive professional training on how to establish international cooperation and business contacts. According to "Fit for Partnership with Germany", the managers get a broad insight into Germany as a business location. The aim of the programme is to promote foreign trade through international business cooperation and to support small and medium-sized enterprises on both sides.

More than 17,000 managers from 17 partner countries have already successfully participated in the sector-specific training courses.

Knowledge transfer at the highest level: contents and highlights

The content of the Manager Training Programme ranges from international project management strategies and intercultural communication to negotiation skills and innovation management. The training phase began with a digital onboarding kick-off, which introduced the participants to the programme structures, tools and the team of RWTH International Academy.

The first on-site practical sessions in Egypt started at the beginning of June. Dr. Helmut Dinger (Managing Director, RWTH International Academy) and Anna-Maria Scholz (Team Leader International Programs, RWTH International Academy) taught important basics such as developing cooperation ideas, project management and market analysis. In addition to exciting pitches, group discussions and individual work, there was even some time for sightseeing!

Third phase of training with many exciting online sessions

Before travelling to Germany, the participants had the opportunity to prepare for their stay in Germany, their personal goals and the cooperation with the companies. The following online training sessions covered a wide range of topics. These are just a few examples of the many different topics covered in the programme. Each training session was enriched by different methods such as presentations, group work and discussions.

How to business with Germany

Intercultural Management and Communication

Global Business Process and Marketing

Online Company Visit - AHK

Conducting Negotiations with German Partners and Cooperations

Attendance phase in Aachen: 10 days of training, networking and inspiration

The attendance phase as part of the Manager Training Programme in Aachen provided the participants with two intensive weeks of valuable knowledge and practical experience. Interactive teaching methods and company visits created an ideal combination to prepare all participants optimally for the for the challenges ahead in the international business world. Alongside this so-called group programme, the managers attended their individual B2B meetings thanks to their good preparation. Here, they were able to discuss their cooperation ideas with their partners in person and, in some cases, close deals.

The kick-off event created an open and positive atmosphere from the outset, encouraging team building and interaction.

Varied content and expert training

The following days were characterised by a full range of content and training sessions tailored to the individual needs of the professionals and managers:

  • Contract management and preparation: Dr Patrick Redell from Dr Patrick Redell Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft mbH provided important aspects of contract management, especially in the context of international business cooperation.

  • International project management and intercultural management: In an online company visit, Housam Fathi from Senior Experten Service (SES) introduced participants to the world of project management, including intercultural aspects and their importance for successful cooperation.

  • Negotiating with German business partners: Thomas Starke from Concept and Sales gave practical insights into the skills of negotiating, especially when dealing with German business partners.

Experience the cultural diversity of Aachen!

In addition to the intensive knowledge transfer and training sessions, the participants had the opportunity to experience the city of Aachen at first hand. A city tour led us together to the special corners and sights of the city. One of the highlights was tasting the famous "Aachener Printen"! Our local pastry is not only a special taste experience, but also an important part of the regional culture. The evening ended with a joint dinner in a relaxed atmosphere.

Dear participants, we hope you enjoyed our beautiful city!

Company visits as highlights of the stay

The highlights of the attendance phase were definitely the various company visits, during which the participants gained first-hand experience of the business world.

At this point, a big thank you to all the participating companies who welcomed us so warmly and gave us insights into their business operations. Your commitment and expertise made the stay a very inspiring and educational experience for our guests!

Insights from the last day of the attendance phase

The last day of the visit was another highlight of the programme. A number of experts and representatives from companies and organisations visited us at RWTH International Academy. In the morning's final workshop, Lisa Pütz (Chair of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Economics at RWTH Aachen University) shared important content on the topic of HR & Leadership: from personnel development and retention to employee satisfaction to different leadership styles and bridging gaps in international teams.

The day was rounded off by a final presentation with personal insights and lessons learned from the participants.

Many thanks to our special guests

We were very pleased to welcome Joerg Schreiber, Senior Project Manager and Simone Schulte, Project Coordinator of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH" (GIZ) on the last day in Aachen! A big thank you to the company representatives for their commitment:

  • Philip Okito, Managing Director at trAIDe, lecturer and long-standing partner of RWTH International Academy
  • Mostafa Abdelshafy, Founder and CEO at FutTech GmbH
  • Alexander Barg, Business Development at City of Aachen

We were also honoured to welcome Doaa Selima, Executive Director - Egypt's Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC) and Mohamed Salah - Programme Manager, Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC)! The IMC is one of the most important institutions of the Ministry of Trade and Industry for the development and modernisation of the Egyptian industrial sector.

Perspective: What comes after the attendance phase?

Leaving Aachen doesn't mean the end of the programme. A six-month transfer phase follows, during which further digital teaching, group work and presentations are planned. This is followed by networking events where alumni from one country and one year come together to deepen their knowledge and build relationships.

A warm thank you to everyone involved

A big thank you goes to all participants, trainers, companies and organisations who make the enriching Manager Training Programme possible. Your commitment has helped the participating professionals and managers to gain valuable insights and skills for their professional development and has even initiated the first international business cooperations.

Many thanks to our partners: Aachen Tourist, Partyservice Schobben GmbH, Tischlein deck dich Catering and the restaurant EssBar in Aachen.

Special thanks go to the GIZ and the BMKW for enabling us to make a sustainable contribution to strengthening the international economy through high quality training programmes.

The Manager Training Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is an instrument of German foreign trade promotion. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been commissioned to implement the Programme on behalf of the BMWK.

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