Info Event | RWTH BIM Talent Program

Knowledge. Impact. Network.

This week, RWTH International Academy has hosted an info event for our brand-new format “RWTH BIM Talent Program”. The exclusive Talent Program is an initiative of the globally active companies Hilti and Viega and is aimed at the first-year students of the public Master’s degree programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering ("Bauingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit Fachrichtung Bau and Umweltingenieurwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Energie und Umwelt im Bauwesen").

Building a bridge between science and industry

The aim of the program is to build a bridge between science and industry and to familiarize RWTH talents with later entry opportunities in companies at an early stage. Specifically, the program deals with topics of digital construction around the method "Building Information Modeling". Following an idea from the scientific director of the program, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph van Treeck from the Institute of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Building (E3D), Hilti and Viega have each agreed to employ 5-10 selected students with a work contract and thus support them financially throughout their master's studies.

As part of this, the group of talented students will receive additional courses in "Building Information Modeling" and soft skills training to supplement their regular master's studies. During the semester break, the talents are introduced to projects at their company's sites and gain a variety of insights into real work topics.

Mareike Botzet | RWTH International Academy | Project Lead – RWTH Talent Program

On Tuesday, interested students were able to find out more about the program content and network with the practical companies while enjoying finger food and drinks.

It was a lively exchange in a professional atmosphere. We are pleased that initial contacts have already been made with the first kick-off event and would like to thank the representatives of Hilti and Viega for their appreciative commitment to the students of RWTH Aachen University.

The application phase starts now with the end of the info event. The application form is open until 30.11.2022.

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