Digital Summer Schools 2021

Due to the current situation, the RWTH International Academy has decided to realize the Summer Schools taking place in June and July 2021 in the form of online courses.

Our courses were already held very successfully as distance learning courses last year. In an interactive way and in intense teamwork, our participants develop practical ideas together with renowned professors – from anywhere around the world. Incidentally, not only this year, we are also open to interested students from Germany in our English-language Summer Schools.

Online Courses in Summer 2021

We not only offer our participants exciting classes, but also a fully comprehensive digital experience at the same time:

✓ international students from all over the world
✓ live lectures & tutorials
✓ group wprk & self-study
✓ intercultural exchange
✓ virtual social events⁠ (z.B. digital sightseeing tours and escape rooms)
✓ online workouts and stretching exercises to balance the long sitting periods.

At the same time, the safety of our participants is guaranteed by the participation from home and thus refrained traveling at any time!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Or have a look here.

Online Summer Schools 2021