Delegation visit from India – seven new MOUs

Development of Online Courses in the field of textile technology

We are delighted to have welcomed a delegation from India (Andrha Pranesh region) to RWTH Aachen University during October. The visit took place at the Institute of Textile Technology (ITA) at Melaten Campus.

The background of the trip is the intended development of Online Courses for a group of Indian colleges on the topic of "composite materials" in the field of textile technology. Our managing director Dr. Helmut Dinger was able to concretize initial ideas in the exchange with the decision-makers of the different educational institutions, which will be implemented soon; and of course to establish valuable contacts.

A joy for all attendees: Finally meetings in presence again

MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding), i.e. declarations of intent to cooperate, were signed with seven colleges in a festive ceremony.

We thank our colleagues at ITA for allowing us to organize the courses for them and look forward to cooperating with the Indian colleges brought together during this visit by the Chairman of the State Council of Higher Education in Andhra Pranesh, Mr. Hemachandra Reddy.

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