Company Health Day 2023 – Discover your inner balance!

One day to improve your health! A healthy working environment is essential for motivated employees. RWTH International Academy organizes each year an internal health day, which gives our employees the opportunity to deal with different aspects of their health and at the same time provides a place for exchange. The program of this year's Health Day was filled with exciting workshops and activities to increase your own well-being and find your inner balance.

Starting the day with fresh smoothies

The event began with a warm welcome from our Managing Director, Dr. Helmut Dinger, who emphasized the importance of employee health and got all attendees in to the mood for a fun-filled day. The spontaneous push-up challenge and group squats truly woke us up!

We would also like to thank our health partner Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) for the inspiring tips on movement and nutrition. Another highlight: TK's smoothie bike provided us all with delicious, fresh juices at all times.

Wrap it up!

Things continued in a relaxed way: Together we prepared some wraps with various healthy ingredients and enjoyed the great weather at the same time. As well as providing an opportunity to enjoy a culinary treat, it also fostered team spirit, which created a relaxed atmosphere for the rest of the day.

The afternoon was all about personal well-being and inner balance. Three workshops were offered for all participants to choose from: Yoga, LandArt and Self-Defense.

Yoga: Stress reduction and inner balance for greater well-being

The yoga workshop offered our employees the opportunity to reduce stress and to bring body and mind into harmony. Breathing exercises and gentle movements released tension and increased concentration. Yoga is a good way to improve physical and mental health while increasing work performance.

Many thanks at this point to Ms. Jungblut from Yoga Vidya Aachen Euregio for the wonderful two hours full of relaxation!

© Martin Stockberg

LandArt: Experience nature through circle training

LandArt, the second workshop, invited the participants to explore nature during the so-called circle training. This activity not only encouraged creativity, but also provided an opportunity to take a break from the daily work routine and to connect with nature.

We designed fascinating artwork in the ground in front of our building with workshop leader Martin Stockberg. Many thanks for this unique experience!

Self-defense: Strengthening physical safety and self-confidence

The third workshop, self-defense, focused on our physical safety and self-confidence. This workshop provided practical exercises and techniques to learn self-defense skills and build confidence in personal strength.

We had the honor of being taught by martial arts expert Master Salih Avci – thank you for teaching us techniques while having fun!

Our health day was a great success, inspired us and empowered our community. It was a day which not only strengthened physical and mental health, but also raised awareness of the importance of our own well-being. One of our office dogs also enjoyed it :)

We are looking forward to the next health day!

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