Campaign #RWTHhilft will be continued

Exterior view of the main building of RWTH Aachen University

With the help of previous donors, 86 students severely affected by the pandemic situation have already been supported by bridging scholarships (600 € each).
The AStA of RWTH Aachen University has received numerous other applications - our parent company proRWTH would also like to help them. Every student who needs help can apply to the AStA and will receive the money quickly and non-bureaucratically.

If you would also like to support, please do so via:
proRWTH | Freunde und Förderer der RWTH Aachen e. V.
IBAN: DE36 3905 0000 0000 0159 41 (at Sparkasse Aachen) | BIC: AACSDE33
Reference: „Überbrückungsstipendium“ (Bridging Scholarship)

Every contribution at any amount counts and will be passed on 1:1 to the students.

Why previous sponsors supported: