RWTH Certificate Course – Designing for Sustainability

Architecture and Responsible Building Practices

Discover a pool of decisive theoretical and practical skills to become gamechangers in the domain of sustainable building. Throughout the program, we emphasize the power of local action to create global change, while contributing to environmental protection. Learn from industry professionals and researchers about current developments and advancements in sustainable construction. This knowledge will be acquired through on-site explanatory videos, hands-on experience, and your exploration of a specific aspect of sustainable construction in your final paper.

Study format:
Certificate Course
After announcement / on request
Course fees:
4,900 € incl. lunch, course materials & social program & overnight stay, excl. arrival & departure
RWTH Executive Certificate

Contents of the Training

The combination of knowledge and experience in practical construction projects involves craftspersons, professionals, and researchers based in the transnational Maas-Rhine Euregio. Particular attention is given to the concept of 'materiality' as a bridge between ideas and actions. Information about current building materials and methods will serve as a foundation for the development of competence in sustainable construction. Practical skills will be enhanced through guided hands-on experiences on-site at the Hoogcruts Monastery.

Module 1 | Knowledge Acquisition

Module 2 | MOCK-UP & Hands-On Workshop

Module 3 | Final Paper

Hoogcruts Monastery

The Het Limburgs Landschap Foundation actively supports the sustainable transition of the former Hoogcruts monastery, transforming it into a euregional hub for building cultures, sustainable practices, and an incubator for arts and crafts. This location will serve as an ideal paradigm of sustainability. In partnership with local stakeholders and other schools of architecture, we are conducting a series of practical experiments involving natural and recycled materials, both in practice and theory, through projects, seminars, and summer schools.

Develop new skills and gain industry-specific knowledge

  • Learn from industry professionals, researchers and industry best practices
  • Gain insights into the latest developments and advancements in sustainable building materials, architectural experimentation, reuse in architecture and passive solutions
  • Acquire hands-on experience during a four-day workshop on-site
  • Reinforce practice-relevant and applicable knowledge in sustainability

Scientific Lead & Lecturers of Designing for Sustainability

Vita of the Scientific Lead

Vitae of the Lecturers

Teaching Institutes & Partner

The Chair of Architectural Theory at RWTH Aachen University is led by Prof. Axel Sowa. Since 2019, the Chair has collaborated with the Het Limburgs Landschap Foundation, the owner of the former Hoogcruts monastery. The department actively supports the foundation’s agenda to transform the former monastery into a euregional future workshop for sustainable building and living culture. On the occasion of two seminars organized by the Chair of Architectural Theory, a network of five schools of architecture active in the Maas-Rhine Euregio area joined forces. Educators and students initiated a cooperative project aimed at sharing innovative and ecologically sustainable building procedures.

As part of the cooperation with the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, innovative approaches for the construction of the future and findings on their translation into practical building applications are fed into the curriculum, tested and further developed.

Participation Requirements & Target Group

Designing for Sustainability is aimed at architects, civil engineers and construction specialists with focus on sustainable building. Following areas are of particular interest:

  • research & development
  • architecture & design
  • construction & construction management

The number of participants is limited to 15 persons in order to ensure an efficient knowledge transfer in the dialog between the participants and lecturers is guaranteed.

Course Overview

6 Months | 4,900 € (exempted from sales tax)
incl. lunch, course materials & social program, excl. overnight stay/arrival and departure

  • Target audience: Architects, Civil Engineers & Construction Specialists
  • RWTH Executive Certificate
  • 5% Alumni Discount

Why take the Designing for Sustainability course at RWTH International Academy?

  • Benefit from high-level practical exchange with our lecturers
  • Reinforce practice-relevant and applicable knowledge in sustainable building with this hands-on certificate course
  • Receive targeted expertise through the specific supervision of knowledgeable and consulting-experienced experts from the Chair of Architectural Theory
  • Learn from best practice examples from industry as well as through the interdisciplinary exchange of experience in the network
  • Obtain a high quality educational qualification through a RWTH Aachen qualification and gain knowledge at the cutting edge of technology and science

RWTH Aachen Executive Certificate & Digital Badge

You will receive an officially recognized Executive Certificate "Designing for Sustainability" from RWTH Aachen University. The achievements can be credited to other certified courses or further studies, as they are marked with the "European Credit Transfer System" (ECTS) and contribute fundamentally to your professional development. In addition, you will receive the certificate as a verified digital badge protected and authenticated by the blockchain, which will specifically strengthen your professional portfolio through its unlimited visibility, security and flexibility.

In-house Opportunities

Our in-house training offers a wide range of academic and professional skills tailored to your company's specific challenges and goals. We work closely with you to develop a customized training, compiled from proven teaching methods and the expertise of our qualified lecturers to ensure optimal learning outcomes for your professional development.

Would one of our courses also be of interest to your entire team/company? Contact us: Our team for your team! We will be happy to advise you on the possibility of an in-house course. Give us a call or send us an email – we will tailor your further training to your needs!

Funding Options

If you live/work in Germany, there are a number of government funding opportunities for your continuing education. Financial and time support is offered, for example the

  • individual federal states
    (e.g. through Bildungsscheck or QualiCheck)
  • education premium
  • educational leave
Grant application

Further Questions? Feel free to contact us!

Do you have any questions about this certificate course, or do you need support with funding or finding a place to stay?
Feel free to contact our team at any time. We are always happy to help you.

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