RWTH Certificate Course – Education Engineering

Learning to teach and teaching to learn - for the engineers of the future

Passing on knowledge sounds simple, but how to convey it effectively and with the right method is often underestimated.

In our certificate course, you will learn a variety of methodologies and tools that will help you understand and apply didactic concepts. Our aim is to make the transfer of knowledge between you and your learners as varied, innovative and efficient as possible. You will learn how to convey complex content in an understandable way, how to actively organise learning processes and how to motivate your learners.

We will provide you with the practical tools and knowledge you need to optimise knowledge transfer, expand your teaching skills and provide your learners with targeted support.

Study format:
Certificate Course
5 Days
Choose place & time which suits you best
Credit Points:
2 ECTS (60 Hrs. Workload)
Course fees:
2.190 € | incl. lunch, course materials & social program, excl. overnight stay/arrival & departure
RWTH Executive Certificate

Course 1

  • March 24 - 28, 2025

Course 2

  • Oktober 06 - 10, 2025

Contents of the Training

This application and practice-orientated certificate course holistically combines theoretical background knowledge with practical application. The numerous practical examples compiled on the basis of scientific findings deepen the understanding of models, tools and methods. During the course, the focus is deliberately placed on large and small group didactics in order to clarify the different perspectives and train the application in the company. The course serves as a supportive and further training measure for anyone who has or would like to take on a managerial and delegating role in their professional career. You will also gain important insights into topics such as constructive alignment, the introduction and consideration of teaching-learning research as well as learning objective monitoring and examination law. By gaining an understanding of different learning styles and methods, the success of a team or department can be optimised.

Day 1 | Introduction to teaching

Day 2 | Project-based learning

Day 3 | Theories of learning

Day 4 | Good explaining

Day 5 | Difficult teaching situations

Your Examination

After completing the certificate course, you will receive a practical assignment, which counts as an examination. This examination comprises the development of a course as well as its implementation, evaluation, assessment and documentation. The focus here is on analysing and reflecting on your own ‘lessons learned’.

Develop new skills and gain industry-specific knowledge

  • Apply tried-and-tested methods for the innovative design of knowledge transfer in teaching
  • Discover the interfaces to practice and derive customised solutions for your field of work
  • Deepen your newly acquired knowledge through practical exercises and your final exam performance
  • Learn from best practices in teaching

The ever faster emergence of new, sometimes disruptive technologies requires us all to be willing and able to engage in lifelong learning. But who does the teaching? This course equips you with the skills you need to teach technologies in a modern and efficient way and thus maintain the flow of learning in your professional environment.

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Schröder

Would you like to find out more about the course?

Download our Flyer with all the relevant information about the course!

If you have any further questions or concerns, please call us on (+49) 241 80 97758 or send us an e-mail.

Scientific Lead & Lecturers of the Education Engineering

Vita of the Scientific Lead

Vitae of the Lecturers

Teaching Institutes & Partner

The Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design at RWTH Aachen University (SLA) has been researching and teaching in the field of lightweight design for almost seventy years. During this time, the institute has built up its extensive expertise in the optimisation of aerospace structures and continues to develop it further. In addition, lightweight construction is being used more and more widely today. The SLA takes this into account and is also active in the development of mobility applications, sports equipment and biomedical technology. The focus is always on the structure. The SLA's research activities can be divided into three main areas: Modelling, optimisation and digitalisation of structures. With more than fifty employees, its own production facilities and a uniquely equipped test laboratory, the SLA is in a position to quickly and agilely play a full role in the triad of lightweight construction. In joint projects, the institute supports its partners and customers in the development of new lightweight construction solutions, the analysis of lightweight structures and their comprehensive qualification through testing.

Participation Requirements & Target Group

The prerequisite for participation in the RWTH certificate course in Education Engineering is a university degree in an engineering subject or another MINT subject (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences or technology). Education Engineering is aimed at specialists and managers from industry as well as interested parties who already have or would like to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of engineering.

The following areas are of particular interest:

  • Engineering science and engineering
  • (University) Teaching
  • In-house training & further education
  • Research & development

Are you unsure whether this course is suitable for you or do you have further questions?
We will be happy to support you on (+49) 241 80 97758

The number of participants is limited to 16 persons in order to ensure an efficient knowledge transfer in the dialog between the participants and lecturers is guaranteed.

Course Overview

5 Days | 2.190 € (exempted from sales tax)
incl. lunch, course materials & social program, excl. overnight stay/arrival and departure

  • Target audience: Specialists & Managers or interested parties
  • Course size: 16 participants max.
  • RWTH Executive Certificate
  • 5% Alumni Discount

Why take the Education Engineering course at the RWTH International Academy?

  • Transfer of practical and applicable knowledge in the area of teaching
  • In-depth knowledge of methods and tools for the sustainable implementation of knowledge transfer in your company
  • Support in ‘putting it into practice’
  • Projecting what you have learnt onto your own professional field or company
  • Learning how to teach properly with the help of best practice examples and the interdisciplinary exchange of experience within the network

RWTH Aachen Executive Certificate & Digital Badge

You will receive an officially recognized Executive Certificate "Education Engineering" from RWTH Aachen University. The achievements can be credited to other certified courses or further studies, as they are marked with the "European Credit Transfer System" (ECTS) and contribute fundamentally to your professional development. In addition, you will receive the certificate as a verified digital badge protected and authenticated by the blockchain, which will specifically strengthen your professional portfolio through its unlimited visibility, security and flexibility.

In-house Opportunities

Our in-house training offers a wide range of academic and professional skills tailored to your company's specific challenges and goals. We work closely with you to develop a customized training, compiled from proven teaching methods and the expertise of our qualified lecturers to ensure optimal learning outcomes for your professional development.

Would one of our courses also be of interest to your entire team/company? Contact us: Our team for your team! We will be happy to advise you on the possibility of an in-house course. Give us a call or send us an email – we will tailor your further training to your needs!

Funding Options

If you live/work in Germany, there are a number of government funding opportunities for your continuing education. Financial and time support is offered, for example the

  • individual federal states
    (e.g. through Bildungsscheck or QualiCheck)
  • education premium
  • educational leave
Grant application

Further Questions? Feel free to contact us!

Do you have any questions about this certificate course, or do you need support with funding or finding a place to stay?
Feel free to contact our team at any time. We are always happy to help you.

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