Time to reconnect! The joy of reunion at our Community Day

This year's Community Day gave our alumni community a chance to reconnect, find out what's new at RWTH and continue their lifelong learning journey.

Exclusive insights and networking over dinner

Excited to see what's new at RWTH and to witness the exciting developments since their graduation, our alumni had the amazing opportunity to explore the innovative Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems (CARL).

Special thanks to Dr.-Ing. Florian Ringbeck, Katharina Quade and Duc Huu Pham for the exclusive tour and invaluable insights!

Following the tour of the research center, our alumni had the opportunity to network with professors, former fellow students, and our Academy Team at a get-together dinner – a fantastic evening of new perspectives, networking, and collaboration!

Connecting alumni and new talents

An inspiring Welcome Day followed by a joint Community Day

And the insights continued! Today was all about welcoming our new intake, continuing personal and professional development and giving our alumni the chance to take part in an exclusive workshop.

The workshop From Experiencing to Mentoring – Design Thinking on How to Pass on Your Knowledge offered the participants the opportunity to continue their journey of lifelong learning. Our alumni are now motivated to work on their alumni mentoring concept plans at RWTH International Academy. It was a great success and the participants obviously enjoyed the experience!

Special thanks to Dr Laura Zentgraf for creating an unforgettable workshop!

Stay tuned for more insights from today's Welcome Day in the coming weeks!