First Outstanding Teaching Award

goes to Prof. Dr. rer. nat Christof Melcher

One highlight of our 25th anniversary was the ceremony of the "Outstanding Teaching Award", which honors outstanding achievements in the field of digital teaching in our film studio.

We are pleased to honor Prof. Dr. rer. nat Christof Melcher (Chair of Applied Analysis), who impressed our jury of program managers/media didactics experts and our participants in the course Mathematics III of our German Engineering College (GEC) with many practical insights, exciting Q&A sessions, creativity and innovation.

Great Commitment & Inspiring Presentation

Professor Melcher and his team have been part of the German Engineering College with their course since 2020 with the first implementation of the program. It is an honor to show our appreciation with this award and at the same time highlight the relevance of digital continuing education programs.

The course Mathematics III is characterized by the high quality of the learning materials (professional videos, clarity and comprehensibility of the learning content), a reflective mix of synchronous and asynchronous elements, a high degree of interaction and collaboration among participants as well as between participants and teachers – both in live sessions and in forums on the Academy's learning space.

Thank you for your commitment and inspiring presentations that make our digital teaching so much more exciting than "just sitting in front of a laptop". We are looking forward to the next GEC program!

German Engineering College (GEC)

The GEC is a digital qualification program that enables future students to tailor their preparation for their desired Master's degree course. Participants complete English-language modules from the Bachelor's degree programs of the RWTH faculties and thus close subject-related gaps.